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- "How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, trans. M.D. Herter Norton
Tag Archives: Sam Wolk
Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♦ Belgian artist Stéphane Halleux creates wonderful, whimsical sculptures, vaguely Steampunkish in design. He started working first in animation, but now creates his sculptures full time. If you speak French, … Continue reading →
Posted in Magpie Monday
Tagged 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alan Moore, Aliette de Bodard, AlphaBooks, Andrew Neal, Angel, Aniron, Ansa and the Lost Thing by Sophie Wereley, Be Happy for No Reason by Erin Morgenstern, bebionic v3, Ben Towle, Better Than Visiting Sunnydale, Black King, Bound Man by Mary Robinette Kowal, Brad Pitt, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Limerick Episode Guide, Cameron Cook, card catalogs, Carl Sagan, Carl Warner, Cat Mihos, Chuck Wendig, Cosmos, cuckoos, Cullen Bunn, Daily Science Fiction, Dark Horse, Deathbird, deceptive dust covers, Did Someone Say Hellmouth?, Doc Savage, Doctor Strange, Doheny Library (USC), Dr. Light, Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, Elizabeth Hand, Enya, fairy-wrens, film trailers, finding time to write, first editions (books), flax-golden tales, foodscapes, Grant Snider, Guillermo del Toro, Hamlet, Hannah Jarrett, Hawkman, Henry James, Idris Elba, If On a Winter's Night a Traveler, Italo Calvino, James Bond, Jimmy's End, Joe Queenan, John Lingan, Just Today by Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Justice League Dark, Kevin St. Jarre, Leah Palmer Preiss, Letters of Note, Lightspeed, Locke & Key, London Falling by Paul Cornell, macaroni and cheese, Marnie Dresser, Martha Stewart, Matt Kaplan, Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite: The Science of Monsters, Michael Cunningham, Michael Dirda, Mireille Enos, Misty Knight, Mitch Jenkins, Monsieur Hublot, Mumford and Sons, My Mother's Shadow by Henry Lu, myths about science, Neil Gaiman, Nigel Ackland, Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu, parthenogenesis, Perdido Street Station, polar bears, President Barack Obama, prosthetics, Rachelle Gardner, Red at the End of the World by Lynda E. Rucker, Richard Symons, Roderick Constance, Russell Hinson, Sam Wolk, sculpture, Searching for Slave Leia by Sandra McDonald, Seth Abramson, solar system (photographs), Song of the Vikings by Nancy Marie Brown, spices, Steampunk, Stéphane Halleux, Swamp Thing, talent and discipline, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Teaching in the Margins, teaching writing, teapots, The Fearless Defenders, The Hellboy Timeline, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe REDUXE Edition, The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean, The Super Team Family Blog, The Tides by Ken Liu, Theodora Goss, Tom Gauld,, Valkyrie, Virginia Woolf, Waffle Meringue Productions, Warren Ellis, Where the Wonder Women Are, Wild Things by Alyx Dellamonica, wildlife photography, Will Ludwigsen, Will Sliney, William Hodge, William James, winter storms,, Wonder Woman, World War Z, Yagharek, Yorick
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Magpie Monday
“There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir, / We must rise and follow her; / When from every hill of flame, / She calls and calls each vagabond by name.” ~William Bliss Carman Here are some shiny … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged A Wrinkle in Time (graphic novels), abstract, Alan Moore, Alfred Hitchcock, Ali Smith style vs. content, All Hallow's Read, AlphaBooks, Alzheimer's Disease, Babylon 5, Ben Towle, body parts (cakes), Bug, Building Stories, Cameron Cook, candy corn, Caroline Todd Whitney, Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network (20th anniversary), Charlie Jane Anders, Chinua Achebe, chocolate, Chris Ware, Christopher Lee, Chuck Wendig, comma (direct address), concrete, costumes, Daily Science Fiction, David Malki!, Delta Rae, Dolores Umbridge, Dorothy Booraem, dystopias (anthology), Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, Elizabeth Hand, Ellen Datlow, Eva Gabrielson, Falling Kingdoms (excerpt) by Morgan Rhodes, False Positive, fanged pumpkins, film trailers, flax-golden tales, forensics, foxes, Frances Glessner Lee, Freddy vs. Jason, Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, Gillian Welch & David Rawlings, Google, grammar, Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en poetry, Harry Potter, hedgehog, Helen Mirren, Hitchcock (film), Hope Larson, Insidious, io9, Jenny Volvovski, Jessica Tremp, John Perry, Josephine Pennicott, Julia Rothman, Katherine Langrish, Keanu Reeves (in miniature), Kelly Williams, Kevin Armistead, Kim Newman, kissing, Krampus: The Yule Lord (excerpt) by Brom, Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory, letters, Letters of Note, Lisa Morton, Little Nemo in Google-land, Little Nemo in Slumberland, Look At This Little Thing!, lucid dreaming, Mama's Science by Shane D. Rhinewald, Marc Basile, Margaret Ferguson, Martha Stewart, mass extinction, Matt Lamothe, Meagan Spooner, Mike Walton, monsters, monsters (Antarctica), monsters (Australia), Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore (excerpt) by Robin Sloan, music videos, Myke Cole, NaNoWriMo, Nathan and the Amazing TechnoPocket NerdCoat by K.J. Kabza, Neil Gaiman, Not the Destination by Richard E. Gropp, Now We Are Sick: An Anthology of Nasty Verse, Of Dolls & Murder (documentary), On Your Desk series, Promethea, pumpkins, Rachelle Gardner, Radio Free Other, Ray Villafane, Rebecca Artemisa, Russell Hinson, Ryan Britt, Sam Wolk, sandwich caddy, Scraps by Michael Haynes, Shelob, Skylark (novel), STDs (cupcakes), Stephen Jones, Stieg Larsson, story-starters, Straw Dogs, Structured Procrastination, Terri Windling-Gayton, ThanksKilling, The Big Bang Theory (TV show), The Consultant (a poem) by Jessy Randall, The Great Alan Moore Reread, The Hanging Garden, The Last Sunflower by Erin Morgenstern, The Lord of the Rings, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, The Paris Review, The Where, the Why and the How: 75 Artists Illustrate Wondrous Mysteries of Science, This Cape is Red Because I've Been Bleeding, Tim Burton, Tim Callahan, Tom Piccirilli,, Trick'r'Treat, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Ungoliant, Uriens, vampire pumpkins, vampires, Victoriana, webcomics, Wes Craven's New Nightmare, What the Sea Wants by P. Djélì Clark, William Bliss Carman, Winsor McCay, wolves, Wondermark
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♦ All Hallow’s Read. Ah, it’s October again, and time for recommending books for Hallowe’en and All Hallow’s Read. Each Monday this month I’ll recommend something spooky or scary to give … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Fairy Tales, Magpie Monday
Tagged "I Used to Sing" by The Indelicates, Adam Mills, Alison McMahan, All Hallow's Read, AlphaBooks, American Gods, animation, Anthony Ryan, author photos, Ava Jae, Awesome People Reading, Axel Medellin Machain, Ben Towle, Bluebeard, book shelves, book trailers, bookcases, Brothers Grimm, Bryan Talbot, BubbleCow, Cadbury's Screme Eggs, Cameron Cook, Cartoon Network (20th anniversary), Cat Rambo, Catherynne M. Valente, chapters in novels (writing), characterization (writing), Charles Perrault, Chris Abouzeid, Chris Brogan, Christine A. Jones, Chuck Wendig, colonoscopies (exploding), concept art (animation), content edit, contract law, Corelli's Mandolin, cowboy slang (food & drink), Daily Science Fiction, Dark Tower, Darwyn Cooke, David Malki!, DC's New 52, depression, Detective Inspector LeBrock of Scotland Yard, Devourer of Worlds, discourse markers, Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, Electric Velocipede, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Emma Thompson, Erin Morgenstern, fairy tales, fairy tales (disturbing), Faith Erin Hicks, Fantastic Four, fetal microchimerism, fingerprints, Firefly, Firefly: A Celebration, Firefly: Still Flying, Firefly: The Official Companion, Fitcher's Bird, Fitcher's Brides, flax-golden tales, Friends with Boys, Galactus, Gerry Obadiah Salam, Grandville, Grandville: Bête Noire, graphic novels, Greek myths, Gregory Frost, Hallowe'en, history and epic fantasy, horror films, info graphics (analysis of), infographics, Jabberwocky, James Alan Gardner, Jennifer Schacker, Joel Priddy, Joseph Campbell, Joss Whedon, Journey of the Hero, libraries, Library by Lori Nix (2007), Lindsay Stern, Literary Journals and Rejections, Living Tribunal, Magic & Good Madness: A Neil Gaiman Reread, Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds, Maris Wicks, Mark Siegel, Marvelous Transformations: An Anthology of Fairy Tales and Contemporary Critical Perspectives, Monomyth, monsters (Asian), music videos, mythology and fantasy, Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong, novel (writing), pain, Parker: The Outfit, Parker: The Score, philosophy, Professor Jennifer Magda-Chichester's Time Machine by Julian Mortimer Smith, Promethea, Prudence Shen, research (writing), Rubbish Designer, Russell Hinson, Rusty Shackles, Ryem, Sailor Twain or The Mermaid in the Hudson, Sam Wolk, Scarecrow (Wizard of Oz), Serenity, Shardik, Sherlock Holmes, short films, short stories (success), Solomon Grundy, Spymaster, Steamboat Willy, Stephen King, Super Best Friends Forever, Teaching in the Margins, Terri Windling-Gayton, The Department of Alterations by Gennifer Albin, The Falcon, The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There (excerpt) by Catherynne M. Valente, The Great Alan Moore Reread, The Leaf by Erik T. Johnson, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe REDUXE Edition, The Silver Surfer, The Whisper by Douglas Sterling, The Wraith, third eye, Tim Callahan, Tom Read,, Town of Shadows, Troy Jensen, Twitterfic, Vanessa Place, vector portraits, Victoria Hooper, Virginia Woolf, War and Peace, Warren Ellis, webcomics, Weird Fiction Review, Wendigo, Where You End and the World Begins by Sam Ferree, Wonder Woman, Wondermark, worker ants, writing (novels), writing mentors
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♦ More sad news last week: iconic author Ray Bradbury died June 5th at the age of 91. The interwebs were ablaze with appreciations, essays, obituaries, reflections and tributes, the … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged "Who Could That Be at This Hour?", Adam Mills, Alan Rickman, All the Wrong Questions, AlphaBooks, Apex Magazine, Awesome People Reading, Barack Obama, Ben Towle, Beyond Katrina, bisexuality, Blocked, Bonnie Zare, book shelves, bookcases, BookRiot, Cameron Cook, Carmina Burana, Carrie, Catherynne M. Valente, Charlize Theron, Chuck Wendig, Darmok, David Lynch, death, dioramas, Erik Martin, fairy-tale films, film trailers, flashmobs, Flesch-Kinkaid Reading Ease continuum, Flesch-Kinkaid Reading Level, Fragile Things, Game of Thrones, Geoff Ryman, Gregory Benford, Hamish Linklater, horror fiction, Ian Withrow, io9, Jack Zipes, Jeff VanderMeer, John Crowley, John D. Boswell, John W. Doull Bookseller, Junot Díaz, Lego, Leigh Bardugo, Lemony Snicket, libraries, LitReactor, Locus, M.C. Escher, Margaret Atwood, McSweeney's, Memory Palace, metaphors, Mirror Mirror, Mister Rogers, Mr. Peabody, Natasha Trethewey, Neil Gaiman, Nick Mamatas, Once Upon a Blog, Once Upon a Time, Paradoxymoron, Patrick Hughes, PBS, photography (ghost mother), Pittsburgh, Ray Bradbury (1920-2012), readability-index calculator, Sam Wolk, SF Signal, Shadow and Bone, Sherman, Slinkachu, Snow White and the Huntsman, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Wars, Stephen King, Thailand, The Adventures of Rocky and Bulwinkle, The Beat, The Garden of Your Mind, The Hanging Garden, The Ladies' Deposit, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Old Library Trinity College, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Symphony of Science, The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better than You Normally Do, The Washington Post, The Witch of Duva: A Ravkan Folk Tale, Theodora Goss, There Will Come Soft Rains, Time,, U.S. Poet Laureate, Ultra Violet, Underwords, Wang Saen Suk Hell Park, Will Ludwigsen, writers (bad behavior), writers' workshops, xkcd