
“Dear Red in Tooth and Claw:.” Spillway 19, December 2012.

“Sealskins.” Star*Line, July-September 2011.

Fragile Wings.” Midwest Literary Magazine, September 2011. Broken Spades, 2011.

Hurricane.” Midwest Literary Magazine, September 2011. Broken Spades, 2011.

“Blodeuedd, or, The Maiden of Flowers.” Fantastique Unfettered 3 (Prolefeed), September 2011. This issue has been reviewed at Bull Spec and Fantasy Literature

“The Cartographer’s Ache.” Fantastique Unfettered 3 (Prolefeed), September 2011.

The Medea Complex.” AMELIA Magazine: 25, 1997.

Fàth Mo Dhuilichinn.” A Round Table of Contemporary Arthurian Poetry. Round Table Publications, 1993.

Passant D’Arthur.” A Round Table of Contemporary Arthurian Poetry. Round Table Publications, 1993.

Pasiphae, Holding the Horns.” 1991 Francis Marion College Writers’ Retreat: Prize Manuscripts, June 1991.

Brisings.” Starsong, December 1990.

Sleeping Beauty.” The Round Table: A Journal of Poetry and Fiction, Fall 1990.