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- "How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, trans. M.D. Herter Norton
Tag Archives: libraries
Magpie Monday
Here’s the shiny stuff that caught my eye last week: ♦ In case you didn’t know, Japanese schoolgirls rock. Case in point: a new fad where the young ladies take photos of themselves imitating the Kamehameha, an energy attack seen … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged A Softer World, AboveAverageNetwork, Adam Mills, Alix Ohlin, Allen Ginsberg, Amy Hempel, Anaïs Nin, AsapScience, author photos, bananas, bees, book bubble, book lovers never go to bed alone (tumblr), Book Mania!, book shelves, bookcases, Boy Bandits: The Rise & Fall of Puberty's Child, Captain Hero, Chris Hardwick, Chuck Wendig, Daily Science Fiction, Daniel Wallace, David Malki!, Deer by Erin Morgenstern, Denis Johnson, Doctor Who, Dorian Gray, Dorte Mandrup, Dragon Ball, E. Annie Proulx, e.e. cummings, Edgar Allan Poe, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Emily Dickinson, Ernest Hemingway, European Cemeteries (blog), film trailers, Flannery O'Connor, flax-golden tales, Foundering Fathers by Brian K. Lowe, George Saunders, goosebumps, Hannah Hart, Hugh Jackman, Inside (novel), Instagram, J.D. Salinger, John Keats, Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Santapau, Kamehameha (energy attack), Kamehameha (King of Hawaiian Islands), Karen Russell, Kelly Link, Kinuyu Tanaka, Leonid Tishkov, libraries, Luna (baby polar bear cub), Marcel Proust, Marcus Nispel, Margaret Atwood, Maritsa Patrinos, Mark Twain, Martha Wash, Martin Amis, Martin Siegling, Mary Gaitskill, Mary Karr, Mary Robinette Kowal, Maurice Sendak, Mojo's Famous Burgers & More, murder, My Drunk Kitchen, My First Time Buying Condoms and Other Embarrassing Stories, My First Valentine Was Doctor Who, naked mole rat, Neil Gaiman, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Philip Roth, polar bears, puppets, Read Nest, Rebecca Mock, Riensberg Cemetery (Bremen), Running of the Bulls by Harry Turtledove, Samuel Beckett, Scooby-Doo, Sea Story by A.S. Byatt, Shadow Play by Liz Argall, Share Your Shelf, Skipping Stones by Devin Miller, Steven Millhauser, Superman, Superman II, Sylvia Plath, Talking Covers, The Doctor Puppet, The General Society Library, The Guardian, the Hulk, The Love of Beauty by K.J. Bishop, The Man and the River by Therese Pieczynski, The Sandman, The Secret Knots, The Strange World of Martin Kardec, The Super Team Family Blog, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Tying of Tongues by Kristi DeMeester, The Wolverine (film trailers), Thomas Hardy, Tim Callahan, Tom Gauld, Toni Morrison,, Virginia Woolf, Vladimir Nabokov, Weird Fiction Review, William Shakespeare, Wimpy, Wondermark, Ze Frank
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♥ Art I Loved This Week. Love is in the air (or maybe that’s just global warming), and in celebration here are some art pieces I discovered recently and who … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged A Soft World, Academy of American Poets, Adam Mills, Aimee Bender, Aimee Payne, Aino's Complaint, Alfred Hitchcock, Alice Walker, Amanda Conner, Amy Lowell, Anne Hathaway, As If All Questions Have Answers by David Barber, author websites, B2 Boutique Hotel Zurich (Library Lounge), Baba Yaga, Bakingdom, Beatrix Potter, Ben Burgis, Ben Franke, Big Barda, BlackBerry, blogging, Blood and Bone by Ian Cameron Esslemont, Book of Love, book piracy, book shelves, bookcases, Bookshelf blog, Bookshelf Porn, Brother and Sister by Terri WIndling, butterbeer, Cameron Cook, Carey Farrell, CatCase, Cathy Day, Ceres, chocolate cauldron cakes, Chu's Day, Chuck Wendig, cockroach clusters, collage, Cool Unicorn Bruv, Daily Science Fiction, David Anthony Durham, David Kracov, David Malki!, Dormammu, Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets by Evan Roskos, Edna St. Vincent Millay, elephants, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Emily Horne, Emma Fitzpatrick, Erin Underwood, Experience by Ephiny Gale, flax-golden tales, Futuredaze, Gail Carriger, Goodreads, Grant Snider, Hannah Strom-Martin, Harry Potter, Hera, Homeland by Cory Doctorow, In Search Of and Others, izbushka, Janet Jackson, Jarrett Williams, Jess Wellington, Joel Robison, Joey Comeau, Kalevala: Dream of the Salmon Maiden, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Kate Beaton, Kate McGarrigle, Lady Sif, Last Train to Jubilee Bay by Kali Wallace, LBi UK, libraries, Love Will Be There in the Morning by Erin Morgenstern, Love's Footsteps by Cat Rambo, Magic & Good Madness: A Neil Gaiman Reread, Marcus Sedgwick, Marie Brennan, Martha Wainwright, Matthu Placek, Midwinterblood, Misty Knight, music videos, N.K. Jemisin, Nasty (song), Neil Gaiman, ninjas, Notorious (1946), Paintwork by Tim Maughan, parkour, Parkour Motion, Paul Kirsch, Presbyterian College, Proserpina (song), Quicksilver, Rachelle Gardner, reading nooks, Russian folklore, Ruth MacKenzie, Scott Faulkner, Season of Mists, short films, Spider-Man, Substitutes by Colin P. Davies, Super Punch, Tait Howard, Tansy Rayner Roberts, The Daylight War by Peter V. Brett, The Fearless Defenders, The Film Doctor, The Kalevala, The Letter by Amy Lowell, The Month of Letters Challenge, The Mouth Open by Helen Marshall, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe REDUXE Edition, The Sandman, Tim Callahan, Tom Gauld,, Trafalgar by Angelica Gorodischer, treacle tarts, typography, Valkyrie, Vasily Kozin, Victorian etiquette, Weird Fiction Review, When We Wake by Karen Healey, Where the Wonder Women Are, White as Snow Red as Blood by Melissa Mead, Will Ludwigsen, Will Sliney, Wondermark, X-Men, Zachary Jernigan
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Magpie Monday
“Darkness cannot put out darkness; only light can do that…. [H]ate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Also: “This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.” ~David … Continue reading →
Posted in Magpie Monday
Tagged Alan Moore, albino peacock, An Exaltation of Larks, Angora rabbit, Apollo Robbins, banana ice cream, battle (writing), book shelves, bookcases, Brian Wood, Cameron Cook, Casting Call by Alexandra Grunberg, Cathy Day, Chuck Wendig, Classic Double Challenge 2013, Claudia Noble, coffee, Colby Marshall, collective nouns, Colleen Doran, D.B. Cooper, Daily Science Fiction, David Lynch, DC Women Kicking Ass, Deep Down by Deborah Coates, Diesel Reviews the World, dollhouse in a guitar, Downsizing Pluto by Shane Halbach, echidna, edible packaging, Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, Elizabeth Hand, Eric Standley, Ernest Hemingway, Fairy Meadows Miniatures, film trailers, Fisher Space Pen, flax-golden tales, folklore (Japanese), free will, glittens, Golden Globes 2013, Grant Snider, greng-jai, Helen Mirren, Hi-Fructose, Hydnellum peckii, illusion, In Search Of (TV show), In Search Of and Others, io9, Isaac Cordal, Jodie Foster, Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, koi no yokan, Lena Dunham, Leonard Nimoy, Lethe Press, libraries, London Underground, Magic & Good Madness: A Neil Gaiman Reread, Malissa Kent, Marilyn Monroe, Marnie Bullock Dresser, Martin Luther King Jr., Michele Catalano, miniatures, Misty Knight, Myke Cole, near-lightspeed travel, Neil Gaiman, Night Shade Books, No Return, Oliver Coipel, One-Horned & Wild-Eyed by Manual Gonzales, PegaPop, phantom limbs, pickpockets, PoL Úbeda Hervàs, Preludes and Nocturnes, procrastination (positive), psychics, Psylocke, Publishers Weekly, Quantum Entanglement by Rajan Khanna, Rachel Grey, Rachelle Gardner, Rebel Angels by Michele Lang, Red 2 (trailer), rejection, rejection letters, Robbie Trevino, Rogue (X-Men), Russell Hinson, Safo Sofa, seahorse, Searching for Sugar Man, Shadowhawk, shampoo and physics, Shane Carruth, She-Hulk, Slitten Gorge by Conrad Williams, social media marketing, Star Trek (evolution), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Storm (X-Men), strawberries and cream, The Beastmaster (film), the bleeding tooth fungus, the Devil's tooth, The Fearless Defenders, The Great Alan Moore Reread, The Light at the Edge of the World by Erin Morgenstern, The Miniature Wife, the red-juice tooth, The Remnant by Cassie Beasley, The Robin Hood Foundation (Library Initiative), The Sandman, The Simpsons, The Smithsonian, The Super Team Family Blog, The Winter Witch by Paula Brackston, The Witch's Daughter by Paula Brackston, The Wyrd for Water is Water by Marie Croke, Thomas Barbèy, Tim Callahan,, Tunguska Event, Twitter, Upstream Color (trailer), Valkyrie, vampires, warfare (writing), Weird Fiction Review, When We Were Heroes by Daniel Abraham, Will Ludwigsen, winged devourers, Wonder Woman, Wool by Hugh Howey, writing (by hand), writing (dialogue), X-Men, Zachary Jernigan, Zack Kopplin, Ze Frank
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♦ Two days ago, Neil Gaiman’s beautiful white German Shepherd, Cabal, died unexpectedly. The blog post Gaiman wrote about Cabal was one of the most heart-wrenching eulogies I’ve ever read. … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged 100 Girls, a capella, A Non-Periodical by Erin Morgenstern, Aaron Barlow, Adam Gallardo, Adaptation, Adventure Time, Ajantala, Alison Ann Woodward, All About My Mother (Todo Sobre Mi Madre), American Splendor, Angela Carter, art school, badgers, Batman, Ben Templesmith, Beth Wodzinski, black holes, book nooks, book shelves, bookbinding, bookcases, Breaking Bad, Cabal, Cameron Cook, Cathy Day, Chuck Wendig, Cowell Press, creativity, Daily Science Fiction, David Bowie, Deadman, Diana of Themyscira, education, Esther Inglis-Arkell, Final Corrections, Finn, flax-golden tales, Fool's Gold by Melissa Mead, Gavin Aung Than, Geneva Hodgson, German Shepherd (white), Grant Snider, Guillermo del Toro, Gun Machine, Harmonies of Time by Caroline M. Yoachim, Helen Oyeyemi, home libraries (design), infographics, Jake, Jim Batt, John Constantine, John Crowley, Kate Beaton, Kate Bush, Keith Smith, Kelly Link, King-of-Saxony Bird-of-Paradise, Kurt Vonnegut, Leaves of Grass, Leila Alvarez, libraries, literary fantasy, Mary Robinette Kowal, Maurice Mitchell, minimalism, Misty Mountains, movie posters, Mr. Fox, music videos, Neil Gaiman, Peter Hollens, Pittsburgh Times-Dispatch by M. Bennardo, Ponies by Kij Johnson, Princess Bubblegum, psychopaths, Radio Free Other, Rahzzah, rattenkönig (or rat kings), rejection letters, Ryan Britt, Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia), San Francisco Center for the Book, self-fictionalization, Sharp Teeth, Shimmer magazine, Stephen Tobolowsky, Superman, Superman logo, Susanna Clarke, Swamp Thing, Synecdoche New York, The Email Game, The Hobbit, The Month of Letters Challenge, The Noxious Guest by Amos Tutuola, The Recondite Times, The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson, The Shape of Stories, The Spectre, The Winds of Winter by George R.R. Martin, Toby Barlow, Todd Demong,, Unwanted by Holly Jennings, Walking Home by Catherine Krahe, Walt Whitman, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818) by Caspar David Friedrich, Warren Ellis, warrior goddess, webcomics, Weird Fiction Review, Where Are We Now, White Shepherd, Wil Wheaton, Wonder Woman, Wuthering Heights (song), Zachary Jernigan, Zatanna, Zen Pencils
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♦ Marking Time. I am obsessed with calendars. Not too obsessed, mind you, but I have four wall calendars and two desk calendars at home and another wall calendar in the office. … Continue reading →
Posted in Magpie Monday
Tagged "Who Could That Be at This Hour?", Adam Gallardo, Adam Mills, Adam Rex, Alison Ann Woodward, Angela Still, Anthony Hopkins, Archie comics, Aslan Malik, Balder, bee models (19th century), bees, Ben Franklin, Beneath 360, blinking, book cover art, book shelves, bookcases, Brooke Graddon, Buii, Caitlín R. Kiernan, calendars, cannibalism (medicinal), Carey Farrell, characterization (writing), Chip Kidd, Chris Ware, Chthon, Chu's Day, Chuck Wendig, copyright, corn flakes, Cory Doctorow, Daily Science Fiction, Daniel Merriam, Dave McKean, Death Before Dishonor by Shannon Leight, Downton Abbey, Dr. Louis Thomas Jerôme Auzoux (1797-1880), Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger, Evan Shaner, flax-golden tales, food sweaters, gene patenting, Gertrude Yorkes of the Runaways, Grant Snider, Green Lantern, Greer Gilman, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, He Could Be Ambrose Bierce by Shaenon Kelty Garrity, heirloom pop-up book, Hyperion, hypothermia, Ian Withrow, In the White of the Snow by Mark Patrick Lynch, Intestate by Charlie Jane Anders, io9, Ivy Rose by Dan Hart, Jabberwocky, James Patrick Kelly, Jason Reeves, John Harvey Kellogg, Joyce Carol Oates, Justice League, Kate Beaton, Kyle Roberts, Lemony Snicket, letters, libraries, Life in Space by Leslie Jane Anderson, Lightspeed, Luis Guerrero, Magma, Malissa Kent, marshmallows, Matthew Broderick, metaphors, Meyers-Briggs, Michael Bukowski, Molly Hayes/Bruiser of the Runaways, MTO, Neil Gaiman, Oblivion (film), optical illusions, Orange-spotted Tiger Clearwing, pandas, Patricio Oliver, Paul Kirsch, Phantom Eye Syndrome, pizza (cutting), Please Look After This Angel by Tansy Rayner Roberts, Poppies by Megan Lee Beals, psychopaths, Pubslush, resolutions for writers, Russell Hinson, SAD, Salvage by K.S. Dearsley, Seth, Sheila Boneham, Shirley Jackson, short films (writing), SketchEmily by reenin, Slinkachu, Sniperphotog, snow scenes in literature, So Far Faithful by Sarah Kanning, stop-motion animation, Strange Horizons, Sutured Infection, T. Coraghessan Boyle, Tanith Lee, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Taylor Preston, Teres Frohock, The Beginning of the World Again by Erin Morgenstern, The Cries of the Dead and Dying by Sarah Goslee, The Dead Letter Office by Matthew Marinett, The Film Doctor, The Great Alan Moore Reread, The Hades Hotline by Alex Petri, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Miracle on Tau Prime by Alex Shvartsman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe REDUXE Edition, The Race by Sadie Mattox, The Road to Wellville, The Sounds of Old Earth by Matthew Kressel, The Subatomic Fiber-Optic Deconstruction/Construction Transportation Chamber by Dylan Otto Krider, The Super Team Family Blog, The Venus Effect, Theodora Goss, Tim Callahan, Tiny Lives by Alan Baxter, Tom Cruise, Tom Daley, Tom Gauld, Tools to Build the Stars by Erin Morgenstern,, Victoria Vincent, Warren Ellis, Weird Science Fiction, werewolves (genetics), When She Is Empty by Damien Walters Grintalis, Where the Wonder Women Are, Will Ludwigsen, William Morris, Wing by Amal El-Mohtar, Wisdom for the New Year by Erin Morgenstern, Wonder Woman, writer's block, X-Men (cartoon), Zachary Jernigan
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