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- "How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, trans. M.D. Herter Norton
Tag Archives: Kelly Link
Mini Book Reviews
I’m going to share my thoughts about some of the books I’ve read recently, though I should be preparing the syllabus for my summer class that starts next week. I hope you will forgive me for at lest one of … Continue reading →
Posted in Criticism & Reviews
Tagged Arthur Rimbaud, By Nightfall (2010), Cory Skerry, Eli Easton, Elizabeth Hand, Erin Morgenstern, Get In Trouble: Stories, Glimmerglass: A Novel, Holiday (2010), John Chu, Kai Ashante Wilson, Kelly Link, Ludmilla Petrushevskaya, Marie Kondo, Marie-Helene Bertino, Marly Youmans, Mary Rickert, Michael Cunningham, Neil Gaiman, Radiant Days (2012), Safe as Houses: Stories, Sam J. Miller, Steve Berman, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The Memory Garden (2014), The Night Circus, There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor's Baby: Scary Fairy Tales, Trigger Warning: Short Fictions & Disturbances, Wilde Stories 2014
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Magpie Monday
Ah, the last few days of July, soon to give way to what will possibly be some true dog days of Summer. In light of that, let’s stay indoors and enjoy the treasures brought to us by the interwebs all … Continue reading →
Posted in Magpie Monday
Tagged Abbey Library of St. Gall (Switzerland), advice columns, Allen Butt, Anakana Schofield, animation, Aquaman, Art Baltazar, Ask Baba Yaga, Aubrey Plaza, Aw Yeah Comics, Awesome People Reading, Baba Yaga, band names, Beautiful Libraries, Beauty and the Beast (song), Benedict Cumberbatch, bernardk78, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Book Mania!, Building a library is the sanest form of hoarding. - Rachel's mother, Burka Avenger, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Cameron Cook, Canadian Library of Parliament (Ottawa), Carlo Carlei, Catherynne M. Valente, Celia Basto, chapter length, Charles Xavier, Charlize Theron, Charlotte Brontë, Charlotte Rampling, Chateau de Fontainebleau, Chuck Palahniuk, Chuck Wendig, Corey Hart, cupcakes, Cynthia Kraack, D. Thomas Minton, Daily Science Fiction, Daria, Daria's High School Reunion, DC Women feminism, DC Women Kicking Ass, Donal Ryan, Dr. Beverly Crusher, dubstep, dust jackets, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Emily Asher-Perrin, Emily Brontë, Emmanuelle, Eric Brown, Erin Morgenstern, Evangeline Walton, Fight Club, file types, film trailers, Flavia Dzodan, flax-golden tales, Franco, Gail Simone, gallery walls, Gates McFadden, George R. R. Martin, Greg Ruth, Hayley Atwell, how about we don't do things?, How German Sounds Compared To Other Languages, Hugo Weaving, I do NOT have too many books!, Ian McKellan, Idris Elba, If Anyone Falls (song), image-wrap covers, Instead of doing things, Iron Man, Iron Man 3, Itty Bitty Hellboy, jacketless hardcovers, James McAvoy, Jane Eyre, Jeffrey Ford, Jill Harness, John Jude Palencar, John Stewart (Green Lantern), Joseph Huppard, Kelly Link, Kunstkammer (Cabinet of Curiosity), kylaiajmaa, la Bibliothèque de Napoleon, Labyrinth, Liam Neeson, libraries, Linda Sienkiewicz, Lisa Romeo, LitReactor, Little Book of Rules, Loki, Louis XVI, Madéleine ♥ Flores, Maggie Smith, Magneto, Man Booker Prize, Marc-Antoine Poulin, Martha Stewart, Marvel One Shot: Agent Carter, Marvel Women feminism, Michael Fassbender, Michelle Dean, Mike Jacobsen, Minerva McGonagall, motivation, movie posters, music videos, Napoleon, Niccolò Machiavelli, No, OCD, Once Upon a Blog, Orphan Black, Patrick Stewart, prop library, Rachelle Gardner, reading nooks, rejection, Romeo and Juliet (2013), Rose Byrne, Rose Lemberg, Runaway Bunny, Russell Hinson, Sarah Pinsker, SFCB, Share Your Shelf, She Walks in Darkness, Sherlock, Stand Back (song), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Steampunk, Steven Mathes, Stevie Nicks, story methods (unconventional), StreetDance, Sunglasses at Night (song), Superhero Tan Lines, Suzanne Strempek Shea, Taisia Kitaiskaia, The Hairpin, The Lost Boy, The Super Team Family Blog, The Turning, The Watcher, Thomas Canty, Thor, Tim Winton, Tom Canty, Tom Gauld,, traditional gender rolls, Two Delighted, Uatu, unclutterer, USB dead drop, Warren Ellis, Watchmen, weddings, What Rachel Reads, Wonder Woman, word count, writing space, Wuthering Heights, X-Men: Days of Future Past, you're too old for this crap
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Magpie Monday
Here’s the shiny stuff that caught my eye last week: ♦ In case you didn’t know, Japanese schoolgirls rock. Case in point: a new fad where the young ladies take photos of themselves imitating the Kamehameha, an energy attack seen … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged A Softer World, AboveAverageNetwork, Adam Mills, Alix Ohlin, Allen Ginsberg, Amy Hempel, Anaïs Nin, AsapScience, author photos, bananas, bees, book bubble, book lovers never go to bed alone (tumblr), Book Mania!, book shelves, bookcases, Boy Bandits: The Rise & Fall of Puberty's Child, Captain Hero, Chris Hardwick, Chuck Wendig, Daily Science Fiction, Daniel Wallace, David Malki!, Deer by Erin Morgenstern, Denis Johnson, Doctor Who, Dorian Gray, Dorte Mandrup, Dragon Ball, E. Annie Proulx, e.e. cummings, Edgar Allan Poe, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Emily Dickinson, Ernest Hemingway, European Cemeteries (blog), film trailers, Flannery O'Connor, flax-golden tales, Foundering Fathers by Brian K. Lowe, George Saunders, goosebumps, Hannah Hart, Hugh Jackman, Inside (novel), Instagram, J.D. Salinger, John Keats, Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Santapau, Kamehameha (energy attack), Kamehameha (King of Hawaiian Islands), Karen Russell, Kelly Link, Kinuyu Tanaka, Leonid Tishkov, libraries, Luna (baby polar bear cub), Marcel Proust, Marcus Nispel, Margaret Atwood, Maritsa Patrinos, Mark Twain, Martha Wash, Martin Amis, Martin Siegling, Mary Gaitskill, Mary Karr, Mary Robinette Kowal, Maurice Sendak, Mojo's Famous Burgers & More, murder, My Drunk Kitchen, My First Time Buying Condoms and Other Embarrassing Stories, My First Valentine Was Doctor Who, naked mole rat, Neil Gaiman, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Philip Roth, polar bears, puppets, Read Nest, Rebecca Mock, Riensberg Cemetery (Bremen), Running of the Bulls by Harry Turtledove, Samuel Beckett, Scooby-Doo, Sea Story by A.S. Byatt, Shadow Play by Liz Argall, Share Your Shelf, Skipping Stones by Devin Miller, Steven Millhauser, Superman, Superman II, Sylvia Plath, Talking Covers, The Doctor Puppet, The General Society Library, The Guardian, the Hulk, The Love of Beauty by K.J. Bishop, The Man and the River by Therese Pieczynski, The Sandman, The Secret Knots, The Strange World of Martin Kardec, The Super Team Family Blog, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Tying of Tongues by Kristi DeMeester, The Wolverine (film trailers), Thomas Hardy, Tim Callahan, Tom Gauld, Toni Morrison,, Virginia Woolf, Vladimir Nabokov, Weird Fiction Review, William Shakespeare, Wimpy, Wondermark, Ze Frank
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♦ Two days ago, Neil Gaiman’s beautiful white German Shepherd, Cabal, died unexpectedly. The blog post Gaiman wrote about Cabal was one of the most heart-wrenching eulogies I’ve ever read. … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged 100 Girls, a capella, A Non-Periodical by Erin Morgenstern, Aaron Barlow, Adam Gallardo, Adaptation, Adventure Time, Ajantala, Alison Ann Woodward, All About My Mother (Todo Sobre Mi Madre), American Splendor, Angela Carter, art school, badgers, Batman, Ben Templesmith, Beth Wodzinski, black holes, book nooks, book shelves, bookbinding, bookcases, Breaking Bad, Cabal, Cameron Cook, Cathy Day, Chuck Wendig, Cowell Press, creativity, Daily Science Fiction, David Bowie, Deadman, Diana of Themyscira, education, Esther Inglis-Arkell, Final Corrections, Finn, flax-golden tales, Fool's Gold by Melissa Mead, Gavin Aung Than, Geneva Hodgson, German Shepherd (white), Grant Snider, Guillermo del Toro, Gun Machine, Harmonies of Time by Caroline M. Yoachim, Helen Oyeyemi, home libraries (design), infographics, Jake, Jim Batt, John Constantine, John Crowley, Kate Beaton, Kate Bush, Keith Smith, Kelly Link, King-of-Saxony Bird-of-Paradise, Kurt Vonnegut, Leaves of Grass, Leila Alvarez, libraries, literary fantasy, Mary Robinette Kowal, Maurice Mitchell, minimalism, Misty Mountains, movie posters, Mr. Fox, music videos, Neil Gaiman, Peter Hollens, Pittsburgh Times-Dispatch by M. Bennardo, Ponies by Kij Johnson, Princess Bubblegum, psychopaths, Radio Free Other, Rahzzah, rattenkönig (or rat kings), rejection letters, Ryan Britt, Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia), San Francisco Center for the Book, self-fictionalization, Sharp Teeth, Shimmer magazine, Stephen Tobolowsky, Superman, Superman logo, Susanna Clarke, Swamp Thing, Synecdoche New York, The Email Game, The Hobbit, The Month of Letters Challenge, The Noxious Guest by Amos Tutuola, The Recondite Times, The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson, The Shape of Stories, The Spectre, The Winds of Winter by George R.R. Martin, Toby Barlow, Todd Demong,, Unwanted by Holly Jennings, Walking Home by Catherine Krahe, Walt Whitman, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818) by Caspar David Friedrich, Warren Ellis, warrior goddess, webcomics, Weird Fiction Review, Where Are We Now, White Shepherd, Wil Wheaton, Wonder Woman, Wuthering Heights (song), Zachary Jernigan, Zatanna, Zen Pencils
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Magpie Monday
F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” Here are some shiny, crisp things that caught my eye recently: ♦ Irene Gallo curated an awesome autumnal gallery, Picturing Autumn, An Equinox Celebration, last … Continue reading →
Posted in About Writing, Fairy Tales, Magpie Monday
Tagged A Wizard of Earthsea, Agyar by Steven Brust, Aitor Iñaki Eraña, AlphaBooks, American Gods, Andrew Liptak, Andrew Neal, Anne Hathaway, Arctic forests, Autumn, Batman: The Tailor by Aitor Iñaki Eraña, Ben Towle, Black Widow, bookcases, BookRiot, bookshelves, Brothers Grimm, Cameron Cook, Carey Farrell, Carlos Schwabe (1866-1926), Catwoman, Cheong-ah Hwang, Chris Thile, Christopher Moloney, Colleen Wing, comic-book covers, Daily Science Fiction, Damien Walter, death (Victorian), diner lingo, Distraction by Cheong-ah Hwang, Doctor Strange, Dylan Meconis, Earthsea, Edgar Meyer, Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, electron microscope photography, Elektra, Elephants of the Platte by Thomas Israel Hopkins, Erin Morgenstern, Eve and Adam (excerpt) by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate, F. Scott Fitzgerald, fairy tales, film trailers, FILMography (tumblr), FIrestar, flax-golden tales, Fool's Gold by Frank Dutkiewicz, Ged, George R. R. Martin, global warming, Grimm Tales: For Young and Old, Harry Potter, Hellboy in Hell, How Not to Write Comics Criticism, Hugh Jackman, I Am Legend, Indiana Review, Irene Gallo, J.K. Rowling, Joe Hiland, Juan Santapau, jus prime noctis, Kelly Link, Kevin Steele, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, Les Misérables, libraries (amazing), Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood Does Over the Big Bad Wolf by Wendy O'Malley, Louise's Ghost by Kelly Link, Luc Latulippe, Magic & Good Madness: A Neil Gaiman Reread, Marc Basile, Marianne Stokes (1855-1927), Marvel Comics, Melisande (1895) by Marianne Stokes, Michael Joyce, Mike Mignola, Misty Knight, Mortless by Henry Szabranski, music videos, narrative hooks (writing), Neil Gaiman, New Zealand Listener, No One But You (song), O'Donovan, OCD cleaning tricks, Old Friends by Shane Wilwand, paper sculpture, Paul Smith, Philip Pullman, Postcard Stories, procrastination, reading nooks, Rising Falling by Leah Thomas, Robert Neville, Russell Crowe, Russell Hinson, Said the Princess by Dani Atkinson, Scarecrow, serialized novels, slushpile, Steven Brust, Stranger Things Happen, Stuart Duncan, Subterranean Press, superheroines, Sutured Infection, Suzy McKee Charnas, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Teaching in the Margins, Tehanu, Tenar, Terri Windling-Gayton, The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The Faun (1923) by Carlos Schwabe, The Girl Detective by Kelly Link, The Goat Road Sessions, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Night Circus, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe REDUXE Edition, The Secret Knots, The Specialist's Hat by Kelly Link, The Unwritten, The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas, The Weird, Theodora Goss, Tom Hooper,, translucent animals, Travels with the Snow Queen by Kelly Link, Ursula K. Le Guin, Vampire novel (history), Weird Council, Where the Wonder Women Are, Will Ludwigsen, Women's Auxiliary (photo), Write Place Write Time, xkcd, Yo-Yo Ma, Yuko Shimizu, Zadie Smith
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