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- "How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, trans. M.D. Herter Norton
Tag Archives: Jane Eyre
Magpie Monday
Ah, the last few days of July, soon to give way to what will possibly be some true dog days of Summer. In light of that, let’s stay indoors and enjoy the treasures brought to us by the interwebs all … Continue reading →
Posted in Magpie Monday
Tagged Abbey Library of St. Gall (Switzerland), advice columns, Allen Butt, Anakana Schofield, animation, Aquaman, Art Baltazar, Ask Baba Yaga, Aubrey Plaza, Aw Yeah Comics, Awesome People Reading, Baba Yaga, band names, Beautiful Libraries, Beauty and the Beast (song), Benedict Cumberbatch, bernardk78, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Book Mania!, Building a library is the sanest form of hoarding. - Rachel's mother, Burka Avenger, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Cameron Cook, Canadian Library of Parliament (Ottawa), Carlo Carlei, Catherynne M. Valente, Celia Basto, chapter length, Charles Xavier, Charlize Theron, Charlotte Brontë, Charlotte Rampling, Chateau de Fontainebleau, Chuck Palahniuk, Chuck Wendig, Corey Hart, cupcakes, Cynthia Kraack, D. Thomas Minton, Daily Science Fiction, Daria, Daria's High School Reunion, DC Women feminism, DC Women Kicking Ass, Donal Ryan, Dr. Beverly Crusher, dubstep, dust jackets, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edward & Amelia vs The Vampire King, Elizabeth Spann Craig, Emily Asher-Perrin, Emily Brontë, Emmanuelle, Eric Brown, Erin Morgenstern, Evangeline Walton, Fight Club, file types, film trailers, Flavia Dzodan, flax-golden tales, Franco, Gail Simone, gallery walls, Gates McFadden, George R. R. Martin, Greg Ruth, Hayley Atwell, how about we don't do things?, How German Sounds Compared To Other Languages, Hugo Weaving, I do NOT have too many books!, Ian McKellan, Idris Elba, If Anyone Falls (song), image-wrap covers, Instead of doing things, Iron Man, Iron Man 3, Itty Bitty Hellboy, jacketless hardcovers, James McAvoy, Jane Eyre, Jeffrey Ford, Jill Harness, John Jude Palencar, John Stewart (Green Lantern), Joseph Huppard, Kelly Link, Kunstkammer (Cabinet of Curiosity), kylaiajmaa, la Bibliothèque de Napoleon, Labyrinth, Liam Neeson, libraries, Linda Sienkiewicz, Lisa Romeo, LitReactor, Little Book of Rules, Loki, Louis XVI, Madéleine ♥ Flores, Maggie Smith, Magneto, Man Booker Prize, Marc-Antoine Poulin, Martha Stewart, Marvel One Shot: Agent Carter, Marvel Women feminism, Michael Fassbender, Michelle Dean, Mike Jacobsen, Minerva McGonagall, motivation, movie posters, music videos, Napoleon, Niccolò Machiavelli, No, OCD, Once Upon a Blog, Orphan Black, Patrick Stewart, prop library, Rachelle Gardner, reading nooks, rejection, Romeo and Juliet (2013), Rose Byrne, Rose Lemberg, Runaway Bunny, Russell Hinson, Sarah Pinsker, SFCB, Share Your Shelf, She Walks in Darkness, Sherlock, Stand Back (song), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Steampunk, Steven Mathes, Stevie Nicks, story methods (unconventional), StreetDance, Sunglasses at Night (song), Superhero Tan Lines, Suzanne Strempek Shea, Taisia Kitaiskaia, The Hairpin, The Lost Boy, The Super Team Family Blog, The Turning, The Watcher, Thomas Canty, Thor, Tim Winton, Tom Canty, Tom Gauld,, traditional gender rolls, Two Delighted, Uatu, unclutterer, USB dead drop, Warren Ellis, Watchmen, weddings, What Rachel Reads, Wonder Woman, word count, writing space, Wuthering Heights, X-Men: Days of Future Past, you're too old for this crap
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye recently: ♦ Look at the vibrancy of colors in this photograph by Ross J. Brown of Rosedale, North Yorkshire, England. Check out his Flickr for more stunning images. Via.
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged Abigail Brand, Albert Einstein, AlphaBooks, Alzheimer's Disease, American Horror Story, Amsterdam Tattoo Museum, anamorphic illusions, Andrés Denkberg, Andy Wachowski, Ang Lee, antagonists, Archie comics, autism, Baba Yaga, Ben Towle, Bill Pressman, Bill Walko, Bluebeard Possibilities, Boulet, Cate Gardner, character chart, Chicken with Plums, China Miéville, Chuck Wendig, Cloud Atlas, cursive, Dan DeCarlo, Daria, David Mitchell, David Remnick, death, dioramas, Director's Cut (2011), disconnection, disease, Don Draper, Elizabeth Hand, Elizabeth Spann Craig, England, Flowers in the Attic, Harry Crews, Harry Potter, Hounds of Love (1985), In Search Of and Others, J.K. Rowling, James Joyce, James Potter, Jane Eyre, Jean-Luc PIcard, John Irving, Jonathan Carroll, Jonathan Lethem, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell, Juan Santapau, Jubilee, Kaiju Life, Kate Bush, Kathy Acker, Kelly Williams, Kevin Wilson, Krissy Brady, Lana Wachowski, Lawrence Schimel, letters, Life of Pi, Lisa Simpson, Love and Anger, Margot Tenenbaum, marionettes, Marjane Satrapi, Marnie Dresser, Mary Marvel, Mary Poppins and Henry the Eighth, Matilda Wormwood, Maurice Sendak, Molly Bloom, Myriapod Productions, Mysteries of Vernacular, Natalie Goldberg, Ned Beauman, Neil Gaiman, Nick Hornby, Nicolas Cabaret, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, One Last Look Around the House Before We Go, optical illusions, Patti Smith, photography, polar bears, Postcard Stories, reading lists, Rick Moody, Rory Gilmore, Rosedale, Ross J. Brown, Sawyer, short stories (writing), Sofia Rhei, Stewie Griffin, stress, Subterranean Press, Susanna Clarke, Tansy Rayner Roberts, tattoos (authors'), Terran Lane, The Baining, the human brain, The Mechanical Heart of Him, The New Yorker, The Ninth Wave, The Power of the Cocoon, The Sandman, The Secret Knots, The Sensual World (1990), The Sensual World (song), The Seven Deadly Sins, The Super Team Family Blog, The Teleportation Accident, The Universe, The Woman Who Married a Cloud, Tom Tykwer, Ulysses, Ursula Nordstrom, V.C. Andrews, vertigo (not Hitchcock), Vincent Paronnaud, Waking the Witch, Where the Wonder Women Are, Will Ludwigsen, Wonder Woman, writing (organization), writing (submissions), writing prompts, Yann Martel, Yorkshire