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- "How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet, trans. M.D. Herter Norton
Tag Archives: Doctor Strange
Magpie Monthly — December 2015
Welcome to the final Magpie Monthly of 2015!
Posted in Magpie Monday
Tagged Atelier Kastelic Buffey, Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Ben Affleck, Benedict Cumberbatch, book collecting, book hoarding, book repair, breakfast, Christopher Claremont, Christopher Reeve, Daniel Titz, Doctor Strange, Dorian Lebherz, ElfQuest, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Forest Rogers, Gal Gadot, Gerry Turnbull, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg, John Byrne, Johnnie Walker, Juan Santapau, Michael Zee, Paul Smith, Peter Hooten, Renato Garza Cervera, snow gl, Starbucks, Superman, sushi, The Morrigan, The New Teen Titans, The Secret Knots, The Story Pod, The Uncanny X-Men, Trina Merry, Twin Peaks, Won't someone please think of the polar bears?, Wonder Woman
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Magpie Monday
Here are some shiny things that caught my eye last week: ♥ Awesome Art. One of the things I love about the interwebs is how many new artists I discover during my reading and how I can keep up with … Continue reading
Posted in About Writing, Magpie Monday
Tagged alien abductions, Angela Still, anxiety, Ash Ketchum, astronomy, Atlantis, bandwidth, Bates Motel, Ben Yagoda, BOB, book chairs, book spines, Booklife Now, Bookshelf Porn, bookstores (film), C-3PO, cancer death rate, Captain America, Carl Sagan, Charlie Brown, Charlie Jane Anders, Chi-kin Kwok, Chuck Wendig, Daily Science Fiction, Daredevil, David Lynch, Dinosaurs on Holiday by Erin Morgenstern, Doctor Strange, dogs, Doug Funnie, Downton Abbey, Draconic Motivation by Donald S. Crankshaw, Dream Country, Ellie Lane, Elvis Bego, Ernest Hemingway, Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger, evolution, Faerie Tale, film trailers, flax-golden tales, Four Great Classical Chinese Novels, Full Moon Silhouettes, Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones (theme song), Grant Snider, Harry Potter, Helen Lowe, Hellboy, Henry Cavill, home libraries (design), Ilai, impact), In Search Of and Others, info dumps, Inland Empire, Isaac Cates, Jeremy Saunders, Jim Steranko, John Cassaday, John Kenn Mortensen, Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons, Justice Society of America, K. Tempest Bradford, Kickstarter, King Tut, Krang, Langston Hughes, Link (Legend of Zelda), Magic & Good Madness: A Neil Gaiman Reread, Margot Tenenbaum, Mark Gee, Mashup by Floris M. Kleijne, Matthew J.X. Malady, Mickey Mouse, Mike Mitchel, Mike Wenthe, modifiers, Monkey God's Journey to the West, moonrise, movie posters, Nany Giardini, Ned Flanders, Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere, New Zealand, Nikolai Gogol, Oompa Loompa, owls, passports, Patti Smith, Pee-Wee Herman, photography, Planetary, redundancy, Sagar Jethani, Satisfactory Comics, Sesame Street, Six-Gun Snow White by Catherynne M. Valente, six-word story, Spock, Spongebob Squarepants, standalone fantasy novels, Star Trek into Darkness, Steel, Super-Skrull, Superman, Superman Family, synesthesia, synesthetes, The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, the Hulk, the Joker, The Mists of Avalon, The Month of Letters Challenge, The Nose by Nikolai Gogol, The Oak Island Money Pit, The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol, The Postcard Story, The Sandman, The Super Team Family Blog, the Tin Man, The X-Files, Thor, Three Kisses: A Royal Breakfast by Henry Szabranski, Three Kisses: Defenders of the Crystal Casket by Henry Szabranski, Three Kisses: The Mirror of Reason by Henry Szabranski, tidal locking, Tim Callahan, time-management triforce (payment, Tom Gauld,, Traci Griffin, Twin Peaks, Upside Downton Abbey, vampires, Virginia Woolf, Walter Sobchak, Warren Ellis, Weird Fiction Review, Where the Wild Things Are, Will Ludwigsen, Without a Summer by Mary Robinette Kowal, wolves, Wonder Woman, xkcd, You've Got Mail
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