Happy Hallowe’en 2014!

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”~L.M. Montgomery

In case you thought this blog was dead, here’s proof there’s life after death….



Abigail Larson

Abigail Larson

If you’re looking for some appropriate seasonal recommendations, why, I have some for you right here:

51GigfxoS1L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_First up, two ghost stories with some similarities, and both equally good. Vintage: A Ghost Story by Steve Berman I read when it first came out (apologies for the pun) and loved it. Let me tease you with the first line: “Bored that afternoon, I was thankful when Trace suggested we attend a funeral.” If you like books about ghosts and goths and YA and gay teens and romance, you’ll love Vintage. (Kindle and audio versions available, too!)

MV5BMjA1ODE1MjQ5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjk4NzkxMjE@._V1_SY1200_CR85,0,630,1200_AL_Jamie Marks Is Dead (also available on iTunes and Amazon Instant Video), written and directed by Carter Smith (based on Christopher Barzak‘s novel One for Sorrow, which I also highly recommend), was a wonderful movie. As an adaptation, I had some qualms with it (I thought some important elements from the novel were omitted or made more implicit but, to be fair, I read the novel about eight years ago and may remember certain things with different emphases), but as its own entity I entirely loved the film. Smith does some really interesting work with the camera; for example, one of my favorite scenes is a conversation between two characters shot using a mirror, so that both are seen though only one is actually in front of the camera (trust me, the scene looks much better than I just described it). And some of the physical acting is so perfectly subtle, the cinematography so clear and cold—but I won’t say anymore. The trailer’s below, now go watch it!

61vN8LI0tzL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_If you haven’t already bought and devoured a copy of Emily Carroll‘s first book, Through the Woods, stop reading right now and go do so. Her webcomics make masterful use of the medium, but her print work is just as fine and as unnerving as you could want. Is it going too far to describe her as one of the best fairy-tale writers today? I think not. Be sure to check out her website for even more stories: I particularly recommend His Face All Red (the only non-new story in the book), The Hare’s Bride, Anu-Anulan and Yir’s Daughter, The Prince and the Sea, Out of Skin, and—oh, heck, just go read all of them!

Also, if you’re feeling the need for more graphic novels, check out Pretty Deadly by Kelly Sue Deconnick, Emma Rios, and Jordie Bellaire. By no one’s definition am I a fan of westerns as a genre, but, man, what Deconnick and Rios have wrought in this comic makes me swoon a bit–pure poetry (and that’s not being metaphoric, either). If you need proof, check out this preview of the first issue.

MARVELCoverTemp copy.indtFor a good Hallowe’en listen, might I recommend the Drabblecast reading of Eugie Foster’s Little Grace of the House of Death?


If you’re not already a fan of Melissa Hunter’s youtube series Adult Wednesday Addams, you’re in for a treat. The premise, as the title suggests, is Wednesday Addams grown up and living on her own. The series is a lot of fun, and you can watch the first season here (the Indiegogo campaign for the second season closes on November 29th). Here’s the first episode, “The Apartment Hunt”:


Brae Oktober’s Haunted Heritage dollhouse is a dream. All the detail! Click this link or the image below to see all the incredible work she’s done. (Via)

The Haunted Heritage by Brae Oktober

The Haunted Heritage by Brae Oktober


Thanks to Meredith for sharing this video on Facebook! Answers to important questions, folks. About necrophilia.


Now this is a spread worthy of Hallowe’en! Kathleen’s Confections created this cheese graveyard. (Via)

Brie Coffin from Kathleen’s ConfectionsI want these stuffed pizza skulls in my mouth right now! No, seriously. Beth at Hungry Happenings explains how to make them. (Via) For a sweeter skull, check out these skull brain candies. (I’ll eat those, too, thank you).

pizza-roll-skulls-1From cute to the opposite of cute: who wouldn’t want to be traumatized by taking gumballs from this clown? More images at the link. If you need more clown-induced trauma, have a look at Flavorwire’s list of The Scariest Movie Clowns, Ranked.

By Jesse Wroblewski

By Jesse Wroblewski

These super-adorable pretzel broomsticks are a good antidote to clown horror. You can find the recipe at Sprinkle Bakes. (Via)

Sprinkle-Bakes-Etsy-Pretzel-Broomstick-AppetizersHow beautiful are these “poison” toffee apples? The recipe’s at Simply Delicious. (Via)

Poison Toffee Apples♦ ASK BABA YAGA

If Taisia Kitaiskaia doesn’t collect her “Ask Baba Yaga” pieces into a book, I may let my bread burn.

Ask Baba Yaga by Taisia Kitaiskaia♦ THE END, AGAIN

Until we meet once more, remember me thus:

Niccolò dell’Arca 1642

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