Here are some more amuse-bouches to help you over the Wednesday hump.
A trailer for a live-action Gatchaman? I am so there. The trailer’s in Japanese, but it features pretty everything you’d expect to see in a Gatchaman movie, I’d say.
Another foreign-language trailer, but, never fear, it has subtitles. The title Big Bad Wolves drew me in (obviously), but the movie itself sounds interesting.
An upcoming crime drama from BBC, Death Comes to Pemberley, stars Jenna-Louise Coleman (she of Doctor Who) as Lydia Wickham of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Read more about it here.
Collider has an interview with Katee Sackhoff from the set of Riddick. Lots of interesting bits. Via.
Looks like it’s official: Locke & Key, the fantastic comic by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez, will be made into a film from Universal. Personally, I would rather have seen Locke & Key made into a TV series (I think part of where the story thrives is in its nuances, and only so much of that can be translated into a big-screen movie, even if it is a trilogy), but I’ll be interested to see what the writer(s) and director do with the source material. More information here and here.
io9 compiled a list of the 12 most unfaithful movie versions of science fiction and fantasy books (completely coincidental that I’m mentioning after the above).
Enjoy this clip of Kristen Wiig as secret agent Lucy Wilde in Despicable Me 2. Those poor cupcakes! Via.
Meryl Streep’s birthday was June 22nd, and to celebrate Flavorwire compiled a list of her 10 worst movies. What do you think?
Robert Jones, the YouTuber who put together the dance scene supercut I shared a while ago, is back with a movie fight scene version. Again, some fine editing. Enjoy!
Interesting way of getting around interfaith-marriage burials back in the 19th century: a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband were buried in neighboring cemeteries in Holland. Via (at the link you’ll find a picture from the second cemetery).
From the Super Punch tumblr: “A submerged idol of Hindu Lord Shiva stands in the flooded River Ganges in Rishikesh, in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, India, on June 18, 2013.”

The perfect interoffice birthday card–or, why are Simon and Steve F. such jerks? You’ll want to enlarge this one. Via.
I thought this Feminist Makeup Tutorial was hilarious. Too bad that some people don’t get the joke, or seem to understand what “parody” means. Via.
First, read this article about Bodyform’s response to a Facebook rant and then watch this video response. Too funny! Thanks to Erin Underwood for sharing this link on Facebook!
In John McKeever’s short film Samesies, “an early tribe deals with a population problem.” I thought it was hysterical, but be warned: the F-bomb is used liberally. And hysterically.
Wondermark #944: The Soft Bigotry of Low Pressure Areas.
From Super-Team Family:
New funny business from xkcd:
I’m only passingly familiar with Strip Search, “a reality game show for web cartoonists,” but I agree with Super Punch about the greatness of this Maki Naro strip (click so you can read it!):
Jake Wyatt is launching a new webcomic in August called Necropolis. Click through to see a preview:
Why not enjoy some more previews, this time for comics of the printed variety?
Straitened Circumstances has a preview of Wonder Woman #21.
The Beat previews Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever #2, a fictional romance about Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig, by Tom Neely, Josh Bayer, and Mark Rudolph.
The Beat also previews Ballistic #1 by Adam Egypt Mortimer and Darick Robertson.
Please to enjoy these fine examples of décoration de gâteau.

Super Mario Bros. cake by Cakecrumbs; more pictures at links (via)

Harry Potter cake by Carisa’s Cakes (via)—do check out the site; she does great things with buttercream
This was supposed to be a graduation cake with a cap drawn on—hilarious misunderstanding ensued!
mental_floss shared 14 cakes inspired by scientific concepts, and these cakes are definitely inspired. Most of my favorites are the, how to say, more indelicate concepts, like #10. However, I’ll share one of the delicate ones with you:

This “Geology” cake was made by Khol? for a Threadless cake-decorating competition; Khol? recreated the “Geology” design by Tim Babb
Talk about a trompe l’oeil!

Cheesesteak cake by Elisa Strauss

A four-side James Bond birthday cake by Little Cake Wishes (via)–check out the links to see pictures of the other three sides
I’m fascinated by zombies, probably because I am deeply and terribly disturbed by them. Like, terribly. That aside, this t-shirt design is too cute not to share.

“Noooodles…” designed by ochopika for Shirt.Woot! (via)
Breaking Bad fans with a sweet tooth, take note: Blue Sky Candy’s Crystal Menth flavor is a thing, described as “some authentic looking methamphetamine peppermint-flavoured rock candy.” Via.
The secret of fast-food beverage lids was pretty neat!
More cute: pizza-order love connection.
Recipes & food tips comin’ atcha:
Video: How to Make Star Trek Cookies—Nerdy Nummies (via)
7 perfect summer dishes Kit Steinkellner can’t wait to make (the grilled peaches look mighty good because I, too, could make them on my George Foreman grill)
I’m not a fan of corn, but everything else in Thug Kitchen’s Fresh Corn and Herb Pasta Salad sounds tasty.
Pastry Affair’s Nutty Rhubarb Oatmeal.
Two red-velvet video recipes from SORTED Food (if you’ve a fondness for British boys baking, well, check them out): Ultimate Red Velvet Cupcakes and Red Velvet Trifle.
If you love funny and punny ladies, you’ll enjoy Mamrie Hart’s recipe for Lil Bub’s Lil Bourb (she’s a bit saucy—double ententre alert!—and she won me over, despite the fact that I don’t usually love puns). Via.
For people who are vegans and love black metal: Vegan Black Metal Chef shares his recipe for vegan lasagna. I want a blender of oblivion! Via.
Some modern mellow: “Instant Attraction” by Garçon Garçon.
The fabulous Angela Still shared the link to “Lotion” by Green Keepers on Facebook, and I loved its creepy perfection so much I couldn’t not share it here. Be warned: this song is strangely addictive!
The next two videos are for Angela in celebration of our love of 70s music:
And some more 70s love: the first song, the theme to Shaft, is a personal favorite because, in addition to its awesomeness, one of my former students once wrote me a theme song to its tune and then performed it in class.